Swirl Networks, Inc. Apps

Swirl Beacon Manager 1.2
The Swirl Beacon Manager can be used todisplay and configure Swirl beacon settings. Users with access tothe Swirl Marketing Console can use their credentials to connect toand update settings for beacons assigned to their account.
Swirl Diego 3.6
The Swirl Diego app gives you and your coworkers a quick and easyway to preview the content and notifications you've created usingthe Swirl Mobile Presence Platform. The app also detects nearbyproximity signals so that you can confirm they are broadcasting andin range. An Access Code found in the Swirl Mobile PresencePlatform is required to use this app.
Swirl Beacon Manager 3.5
The Swirl Beacon Manager app gives you and your employees apowerfulset of tools for installing and updating Swirl beacons. ASwirl useraccount is required to use this app.